A year into the latest incarnation of this project, we’ve accomplished a lot—but we could be doing a lot more with a little assistance. We’re hoping trustworthy comrades will step up and help us to continue expanding our efforts, freeing up time and resources with which we can produce more books, articles, posters, speaking tours, and the like.
Here is a list of roles and tasks that you could fulfill. Needless to say, all this is volunteer work: we do these things out of love and desire for social change, and for the pleasure of working on creative projects with other brilliant and virtuous opponents of the existing order.
Help Us with Printing, Art, Design, and Video
Do you have free printing at your school or workplace? Print copies of our zines and posters to distribute in your community! Better yet, if you can, make copies in bulk and ship some to us so we can pass them on to folks who lack the means to produce zines themselves.
If you have access to fancier printing options such as letterpress or silkscreen, we’d love your help making lovely covers for our zines, as well. And we especially need help printing stickers! If you can help with any of this, or if you just want to receive an alert when new designs are available for printing, send an email here.
We would love to work with more artists and videographers to illustrate our literature. We also need more designers to produce zines and posters. If you are an artist, videographer, or designer, contact us and send us examples of your work.

Our two-prong program for world liberation.
Help with Speaking Events and Tours
If you would like to invite a team of CrimethInc. agents to speak about any of the subjects we’ve published on at your community center, school, book fair, or conference, please contact us and we’ll see what we can do. The same goes if you would like to set up a tour for us or help us with booking. Over the years, we have participated in events from Des Moines and Cincinnati to Chile and the Philippines and if you can help us figure out how to cover the costs of transportation, we will gladly travel anywhere on earth.
Help with Signal Boosting
We’ve grudgingly acknowledged the importance of social media in modern-day outreach, but we could still use your help with it. Because Facebook’s algorithms are designed to disadvantage small projects that don’t pay for advertising, we need assistance with signal boosting. All we need is for people to share our posts from their own profiles. To help signal boost our posts, send us a Facebook message and we’ll make sure to tell you when articles come out.
Help with Translation
Can you translate from English into other languages? We are looking for people to help translate and publish CrimethInc. materials in other languages and countries. Or can you translate articles of interest to us into English? Get in touch!
Help with Editing
Although we spend long hours in group process co-authoring and editing texts, we still need help proofreading articles. At this point, we’re backed up months behind with texts we could publish if only we had assistance polishing them up. If you are an experienced editor and you can volunteer to help, contact us.

Join the ranks of the CWC Tech Crew.
Help the CrimethInc. Tech Team
The CrimethInc. website is built by volunteers during their nights, weekends, and clandestine hours stolen away at their jobs when the bosses aren’t looking. While the code collective has accomplished a lot with limited resources, we would love to do more. We need your help. Here’s where you come in:
Are you a Ruby/Rails developer? Or are you curious about Ruby or Rails? There are several issues for the website and the content collective’s CMS ranging from small bugs to large features (such as automated syndication to Twitter, Tumblr, Medium, etc). Check the issue tracker on GitHub.
Are you a CSS developer or designer? There are issues to improve content presentation (like article text size on mobile). There is also an opportunity to refactor the SCSS into a DRYer system.
Are you a visual designer? You could help us design a better reader experience. There are also standalone mini-sites to be designed and built, like the To Change Everything mini-site.
Are you a devops engineer? We need better automation around database backups, static site rendering, developer onboarding scripts, etc.
If you’re ready to dive in, here’s how:
Email tech@crimethinc.com.
Try setting up your development environment following the instructions in the README.
See if there are any issues that feel like something you want to tackle.
If you want to be invited to the code collective’s Slack group, email tech@crimethinc.com or comment on any GitHub issue asking for access.

Help the Hotwire
On a regular basis:
Send us reports! Write your own 1-2 paragraph reports of exciting acts of resistance or experiments in living without authority. Better yet, record 90-second segments about such acts and send those in to us—it’s easy to do on most smartphones! Or just send us links to exciting news that we wouldn’t already find on It’s Going Down, Dialectical Delinquents, Insurrection News, or the Earth First! Newswire.
Get your local community station to carry us! KEPW 97.3 in Eugene, OR already broadcasts us weekly, and we’re working with two other stations to regularly share The Hotwire. Every episode is radio ready, conforming to FCC regulations. We can prepare precise, 29-minute-long episodes if needed. Get in touch if you need more guidance or assistance with this.
One-time helps:
We would love professional software that can securely and irreversibly disguise voices.
We also welcome equipment donations. We can always use better equipment, like…
clip-on lavalier microphones
microphone stands
cables and adapters
digital recorders
mixing boards
professional soundproofing material
external hard drives & USB memory sticks
a new computer, desktop or laptop
If you can help us with anything from our wish list, please write us at podcast@crimethinc.com.
Also, are you involved in an anarchist group? We like to represent the breadth of the anarchist movement with little plugs for It’s Going Down. Get in touch and we’ll record a jingle for It’s Going Down with your voice, plugging your group as well!

Help the Ex-Worker
In addition to all the same technology required by the Hotwire, the CrimethInc. cells involved with producing the Ex-Worker podcast request:
Help with transcription! We’re committed to providing a full transcript for all of our episodes to make them as accessible as possible. But transcribing can be pretty time-consuming. We could use volunteers to transcribe interviews. It doesn’t take any specialized skills—just the time and patience to go through the audio files from interviews and type them out.
Help with reviews! We also welcome folks who are interested in reading newly released books or periodicals and writing short reviews responding to them. Contact us to strategize together about how to go about this and which titles to start with.
Tell us what you think anarchists need to be discussing. What are the important issues, practical and theoretical debates, and areas for analysis that we should focus on? Let us know what they are, what you think about them, and what texts or groups we should consult.